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PHP identifiers to obfuscate

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User Interface

This GUI simplifies the usage allowing to operate without additional scripting. Click on the tabs, enter the details, press the buttons to proceed, and follow the messages. The tabs:

  • Minify - specify the source and destination folders/files to minify, and the running options; click RUN to launch.
  • Obfuscate - adjust the PHP obfuscation details; turn out minifying to solve the renaming issues.
  • Result - examine the packing statistics and download the output; last successful result is displayed.
  • About - view the installation details and update status; please correct your contacts if they have changed.

The source and destination can be specified with the relative (to the Root) or absolute path. Default destination is taken if not specified.

The Folders/files and Identifiers exclusion list elements can contain '*' and '?' wildcard characters. Separate the list elements by a space.

Specify your own signature or empty one for the default. You can Save the current options, Reset to the initial ones or Unset to the defaults.